A Little Story on Clubpenguin

April 7, 2007 at 2:45 am (club penguin cheats)

> Some people believe that it is possible to tip the iceburg. Well, It is true! I think that you only get 4000 coins. What do you think? Well, here is how to tip it… First, you have to go to the MIDDLE! NOT the top! That is the thickest part! You get your mining helmet on. Start dancing and then get 5 more penguins. thats all you have to do… to get alot of coins. Try to find the coolest penguins on clubpenguin… Papi11, Prince harry, and Hurricane15! They have soooooooo cool houses! Chances are that you will get to be his friend and they will tell you how to get alot of coins!

> You can also tip the little boat on the dock. You only have to go on it and press NO if it asks you to play “Ballistic Biscut” Then, you have to start dancing and wait there until there is 25 penguins there. When it tips, you will get alot of coins. Have FUN playing!

> Clubpenguin.com originated in 2005. It didn’t really get popular till’ 2006. Now, over 7,000 people play clubpenguin only in America. They also play in United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.